Monday 8 August 2011

Courses from Omegapoint

In this August 2011 eNewsBlast
*  My message
*  FREE previews over the next two weeks:
    Vision Training (You Can Improve Your Eyesight Naturally) Preview 12 and 13 August 2011
    Alpha Mind Training Preview: 17-22 August 2011
    - details below and advertisement flyers attached
*  Updated life enrichment programs schedule until end of 2011
*  and some pearls of wisdom.

Greetings Friends of Omegapoint

Have you ever stopped to wonder what is your life's purpose on earth?
Have you got your answer?
I feel that when we do (I am speaking generally) life will not be a struggle. We will journey confidently with purpose, direction and with ease and grace.

"Seek ye the truth and the truth will set you free." is a verse I learnt from the Bible as a child. I am sure similar wise verses come from various scriptures and principles. There is nothing new in as far as wisdom of the ages. It has existed for eons and probably since time began.  That is what I believe and have come to accept and respect.

What is the truth? When I attended my first Alpha Mind Training Seminar in May 1982, the founder, Peter Honzatko, shared a secret (yes, the "secret" is not new, rather it comes from ancient teachings.  In those times, man was not rushing around juggling numerous responsibilities and gadgets of the 21st century,  etc.

In those days  there were hardly any distractions. Man had to hunt for food for himself  first until he was given a companion i.e. a woman and together they hunted for food, hid from the huge animals, enjoyed their companionship and begat resulting in a very populated world today.

Has civilization progressed? Indeed it has.
Has man evolved? Probably somewhat but have we done so to be instrumental in creating peace on earth? That is the question.

Back to the message from Peter Honzatko who mentioned in his presentation that he believed that we were/are created as magnificent living beings, placed on "Heaven on Earth" to express the uniqueness of love and creativity. However, our Creator wasn't going to deliver the formula of life's bliss on a platter. Rather, our Creator in all His/Her wisdom decided to hide life's happiness formula somewhere man/woman would need to discover this........ hence this wise message ...
"Seek ye the truth and the truth will set you free."  Where do you think our Creator hid the formula / secret on how to live in peace and abundantly?

I invite you to acquire more wisdom and motivation to take action to live abundantly by attending  Omegapoint's life enrichment  and transformational seminars. I am most confident you will find answers and be given the road map and support to a more fulfilling life. The best has yet to come and it is through personal development offered by Omegapoint Seminars.

Herewith Omegapoint's schedule of events until end of 2011.
Please call (64430259 / 64436522 or email <> for reservations and further information on our life enrichment and transformational programs.
Full details will be sent upon request.
Reservations for the FREE Previews are very much appreciated.


You Can Improve Your Eyesight Naturally - for adults and teenagers 
by Leo Angart, world renowned vision trainer, CEO of the Magic Eyes Foundation
Dates: Friday 12th (7pm - 9pm)  &  Saturday 13th Aug  (2.30pm - 4.30pm).
Venue: The S.C.W.O. Centre, Training Rooms 2 & 3, 96 Waterloo Street.

Mind Power by Peter E. Heibloem, one of Australia's leading personal development trainers.
Receive a Free Book: Mind Power and Your Alpha Rhythm when you attend.
Witness amazing Memory Demonstration by Alpha Graduates.
Dates: Wed. 17th  (7.30pm-9.30pm), Thu 18th,  Fri. 19th & Mon. 22nd (7pm-9pm),
Sat. 20th & Sun 21st (2.30pm-4.30m)
Venue: The S.C.W.O. Centre, Training Rooms 3, 96 Waterloo Street.


Vision Training Workshop (adults and children from 13 years up)
by world renowned vision trainer, Leo Angart from the Magic Eyes Foundation
Date: Sat 3rd & Sun 4th September .
Time: 9.30am - 5.30pm
Venue: The S.C.W.O. Centre, Training Rooms 2 & 3, 96 Waterloo Street
Investment: S$695 (contact us for the earlybird investment for adults and children
OR attend the FREE Previews where the earybird will be offered).

Magic Eyes (Vision) Workshop for children ages 8 - 12 years
by world renowned vision trainer, Leo Angart from the Magic Eyes Foundation
Days & Date: Mon. 5th & Wed. 7th September
Time: 2.30pm - 5.30pm
Venue: The S.C.W.O. Centre, Training Rooms 2 & 3, 96 Waterloo Street
Investment: S555 (for one child with an accompanying parent)  inclusive of course materials and refreshments
Earlybird @ S$450 (child with an accompanying parent) by 12 or 13 August included of course manual, training materials and refreshments.
Parents, if you want your children to have good eyesight / natural vision, NOW is the time for them to learn HOW, together with your support. Sad to say, children are having or forced to wear reading glasses as early as 6 years when it is not necessary.

by Diane McCann from Australia
Date & Time: Saturday, 24 September, 9.30am - 12.30pm
Venue: The SCWO, Training Room 2 & 3, 96 Waterloo Street
Investment: S$85 (earlybird $55 by 31 August) inclusive of refreshments.
Book early as places are limited.
This workshop is brand new. Open to anyone, singles and/or couples it focuses on the personal relationships in your life. We explore in detail how the inherent differences between men and women impact on the quality of our relationships. This includes areas such as:
Communication * Power * Intimacy * Listening * Self Esteem * Truth * Trust * Vulnerability      
We know that successful relationships are a primary means to happiness. This event will show you some of the keys to unlock your skills to develop, nurture and enhance all the relationships in your life. Plus you will have fun!
Diane McCann is a Relationship Strategist and a Certified LifeLine Practitioner in Australia. She has been involved in the healing arts and business for over 40 years. She is a highly sought after speaker and writer for many magazines. Well known for her ability to inspire and empower people, she uses humour, wisdom and skill to bring out the full potential in people she works with. Diane facilitates The Goddess Within which has been running internationally for two decades & other workshops. Seize this opportunity to hear her speak and learn new skills for yourself.

A Glimpse & Experience of The LifeLine Technique
by LifeLine Practitioner, Diane McCann from Australia
Date: Saturday 24 September
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Venue: The S.C.W.O., Training Room 2 & 3, 96, Waterloo Street
Investment: by donation (reservations and payment by 1 Sep to confirm your place) inclusive of refreshments.
Places are limited to room space so book early for Diane McCann's events.
She is an powerful and extraordinary lady!!

FREE Rei-ki Preview
by Rei-ki Master Teacher, Ms Keven Duff from the Rei-ki Academy of Australia
with Demonstrations for Guests by Rei-ki Graduates.
Date: Tue 27 September  
Time: 7pm - 9.30pm
Venue: Emerald Room 1, level 4, Bayview Hotel, 30 Bencoolen Street.

Rei-ki I Training Seminar by Rei-ki Master Teacher, Ms Keven Duff
Friday, September 30th  (6pm - 11pm),
Saturday, October lst      (9.30am-8pm)
Sunday, October  2nd   (11am - 9pm+)
Venue: The Bayview Hotel, Emerald Rooms I, level 4, 30 Bencoolen Street
Investment: S$750 (S$650 by 30 August), students from 12 -17 years @  S$550.


Rei-ki II Training Seminar by Rei-ki Master Teacher, Ms Keven Duff
Tuesday, 4th October     - 6.00pm - 10.30pm
Wednesday, 5th October   - 5.00pm - 11.00pm
Thursday, 6th October    - 5.00pm - 11.30pm
Exclusively for Rei-ki I Graduates of the Rei-ki Academy of Australia.
Venue:The Bayview Hotel,  Jade Room, level 5, 30 Bencooen Street,

As a result of the success of the pilot workshop held in July, we are scheduling a second
Consciousness Workshop (based on the Matrix Energetics) by Julia Loh Nordahl
Dates: Saturday 9 & Sunday 30 October
Time: 9.30pm - 5.30pm
Venue: to be advised


Alpha Mind Training Seminar by Peter E. Heibloem from Australia
Friday,     18 August   - 6.30pm - 10.30pm 
Saturday, 19  "            - 8.30am -  6.30pm
Sunday,   20  " - 8.30am - 10.00pm
Monday, 21  "             - 6.00pm - 10.30pm 
Venue: Emerald Room 1 & 2, level 4, 30 Bencoolen Street


L.I.F.E. (Living Information Forms Energy)  Biofeedback Training
by Linda Crawford from the Hale Clinic, London and a Team of L.I.F.E. Biofeedback Practitioners in Singapore
Currently we have 10 biofeedback practitioners in Singapore, ranging from naturopaths, homeopaths, a chiropractor, a nun who also practices complementary medicine/health, people in the spa industry and lay people interested in energy medicine. It is a fascinating form and non-invasive method of raising and balancing energy levels that is truly the natural therapy/medicine of the future .....  here today.
Justin Morais, Ph.D (Alternative Medicine), is the father of energy medicine in Singapore and I am grateful for his introducing me to this method of energy medicine.
If you are interested to have a health biofeedback evaluation using biofeedback, let me know and I will recommend you to a practitioner. The method is truly "the future of medicine, here today"!!!

Some words of wisdom:

- Anonymous
"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic."

Paul "Bear" Bryan
"It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference."

"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."

Ayn Rand
"Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision."

Roy D. Chapin Jr.
"Be ready when opportunity comes...Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet."

Zig Ziglar
"Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable."

Kindly email Omegapoint Seminars <> for further details on our life enrichment programs.

Warmest wishes for a Very Happy 48th National Day and may we all progress together courageously, confidently, creatively and lovingly.

Cheers to us all!!!!

Infinite Love & Gratitude
Omegapoint Seminars
Bringing You the Best Life Enrichment Programs & Opportunities (since 1982)
MyMailBox 881654
Singapore 919191
Ph: (65) 64430259 & 64436522
Fax: (65) 64425949