Wednesday 18 May 2011



by Ms Keven Duff

Saturday 11 June 2011
9.30am  -  1.30pm
What people say about muscle testing & how it has helped them

" I use muscle testing to determine which food types I am allergic to , and to my surprise , most of my favourite food were food types which I was extremely allergic to and it made me sick. Now that I have learned muscle testing and have been using this technique , I have realized that I am feeling more vibrant , more energetic and best of all , I am feeling great from inside out." R. Pillay

"I do run across many children who come to my play-centre with different food allergies and most parents do not even know that their children are allergic to most food items that they consume. I usually do the muscle test with the children to find out their allergy and it has helped very much in the respective child's health. All mothers should do the muscle test workshop , so that they would be able to determine what their child is allergic to and what's good for their child"

What You Will Learn:
  • How to muscle test ACCURATELY.
  • How to test which foods and other products are weakening, neutral or strengthening. Save thousands of dollars by knowing which food and supplements are the best for you and your family.
A practical morning workshop to teach you how to muscle test yourself and others.  Muscle testing is a simple technique to discover your body's responses to provide information on energy blockages.

Muscle testing is a non-invasive way of evaluating the body's imbalances and assessing its needs. It involves testing the body's responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body's responses to herbs and other remedies.

Benefits: Muscle testing allows the practitioner to evaluate and restore the proper functioning of the nervous system through use of the meridian system.  Once this proper functioning is restored, the body's self-healing capability kicks in and enables the body to once again regulate its own health. It is easy and it is effective.

Muscle Testing restores the whole system to balance, facilitating the self-healing process.
It can, for example:

o        increase energy and vitality
o        prevent illness
o        help achieve life goals
o        relieve physical pain and tension and improve posture
o        defuse stress and the causes of stress
o        heal traumas
o        enhance brain function and co-ordination
o        discover individual nutritional needs
o        identify food and environmental sensitivities
o        find and clear underlying causes of energy blocks/imbalances/diseases

Who can benefit?

Everyone!   People of all ages - whatever their level of fitness or health - can benefit, including children.

Even healthy people will benefit from regular muscle testing treatments. Babies and people who cannot be muscle tested directly can be tested through a surrogate.

Date : 11 June 2011, Saturday
Time : 9.30am - 1.30pm
Venue : The S.C.W.O. (Singapore Council of Women's Organization)
                 Training Room 2, level 1, rear block.
Investment: S$195 (earlybird S$125 by 1 June)  - open to everyone
               S$95 nett for students under 17 years
 Inclusive of refreshments and handouts .

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